Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Where is time going?!!

I've come to the conclusion that a lack of seasons makes it feel like time is standing still, when in fact it is flying by! We are 3 MONTHS away from finding out what the next several years will hold!! EEEK! Eric is loving the T-1 considerably more than the T-6, and he's starting to get a better idea of what possible heavy/tanker aircrafts he'd like to fly after graduation.

The past two months have been incredibly busy: I took a weekend trip back to Michigan to see my dad graduate from his MBA program at Notre Dame, we visited Grandma and Grandpa for Memorial Day, and we got to meet Eric's class sponsors and enjoy an incredible evening on their 10,000 acre hunting ranch that sits on the cliffs--and therefore has amazing views--of Lake Amistad. (Yea, beautiful places in Del Rio--who knew?!) We got a full tour, saw a few of their 15 different exotic species, including a Watusi cow, zebras, buffalo, and oryx. (Stay tuned--I'll post pictures soon.) The best part? The owners were born and raised in Paris, France! I know, totally unrelated to anything we were there for, but it was great to hear French being spoken after not using my own for so long! Hopefully we can arrange for our parents to see this place when they come for graduation--Eric and I both commented on how our dads would absolutely love it.

We're really looking forward to our trip to Fredricksburg, TX over July 4th weekend--what a welcome break from the daily grind that will be! We're also trying to save for a honeymoon, so we're tentatively making tropical paradise plans for November.

And I almost forgot...we got a NEW CAR! Yep, the Honda is no longer lonely in the driveway; she has a shiny 2009 Saturn Aura to share the burden of our travels with. :) We have radio, extra cold air conditioning (not that it's necessary in the 110 degree heat), and we love that we don't have to wear headsets to talk to each other anymore!

And of course, we celebrate Eric's quarter-century birthday yesterday--old man! :)

Clearly life is busy (or I'd be posting more!) but I'll do my best to keep y'all updated!
