Thursday, September 29, 2011

B-Monkey, Checkin' in!

Do we have names picked out?
Yes. Are we sharing? Still nope!

How Far Along: 23 weeks, 2 days

Due Date: January 24

Size of baby: 12+ inches (as long as an ear of corn!), over 1 lb.

Total Weight Gain: ~18 lbs...eek!

Maternity Clothes: OH yes, and they're the ONLY thing I can wear anymore (for the most part)

Gender: My intuition was right! A pretty little mini-me. :)

Movements: TONS! I didn't feel her for a while due to her positioning, and then out of nowhere--wham! She's a strong little girl; I've gotten quite the beating over the last 6 weeks. so cool!

Sleep: Still pretty normal, but I do wake up a little more often than usual.

What I miss: Rigorous exercise. I'm sure I could push harder than I do, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. And there's been a few times during this hot this summer when I wouldn't have minded a cold beer or a nice glass of wine with dinner!

I still can't get enough spicy food or water. Grapes are still a favorite, too.

Symptoms: I've had it so easy...hoping it stays that way! I've just started to have a little lower back pain on the days that I spend a lot of time on my feet.

Best Moment this week: Feeling her kick/punch/roll around so much! It's such a crazy feeling.

Funny pregnancy story of the week: Hmm, I don't know if I have one. It's pretty fun to feel her kick really hard when Eric says her name. Probably just coincidence, but we still find it cool.