Sunday, December 20, 2009

Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?!

While listening to Christmas carols that sing about snow and fireplaces and jack frost feels a bit misplaced in sunny Del Rio, Eric and I are still shamelessly enjoying all of our favorite Christmas traditions as if there were a blizzard outside and a fire blazing. We have especially enjoyed watching all the fun movies and cartoons of Christmas time--he'd never seen It's a Wonderful Life! And of course, in keeping our tradition we started last year, we had to make candy houses. Last year we made a giant castle (it was incredibly elaborate), but this year we didn't really have time to get that wild and crazy, so we stuck with a cozy little cottage (mine) and the Butler resort-mansion-thing (Eric's). Here's the link with all the cool pictures of our creations:

We will be headed to Michigan on the 23rd with Grandma and Grandpa Miller and we couldn't be more excited! We'll be meeting them in Denton, TX and starting the journey bright and early Christmas Eve morning. Weather permitting, we should be there by Christmas night! Please pray for a safe, quick travel and that the snow holds off until we're home and happy.

As far as life updates, there's not much new to report! Eric will have his mid-phase checkride on Tuesday-a very important, very hard flight that marks the halfway point of Phase 2 of training. Once we get back in January, things will be picking up! Eric is scheduled to track to either T-1s (Heavy aircraft) or T-38s (Fighter/Bombers) on April 1st. That will mark the beginning of Phase 3, the FINAL phase of UPT (wooohoo!). We get really excited talking about all the possible places we could go next and are really excited to have an idea of what kind of plane Eric will be flying throughout his career. 
My life has gotten a bit busier, too. I just joined the praise team at our church--today was my first day singing! I'm pretty excited to get involved and really be a part of a church, it's been a long time since I actually had a serving role in the church community and I'm really happy to feel like more a part of the community in general. I also had an interview at a realty office that sells lake homes and vacation rentals on Lake Amistad. I'm supposed to hear back Monday or Tuesday--cross your fingers for me! 

We hope you have a wonderful holiday, and a very happy new year! 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Disclaimer: This post contains excessively excited statements that may or may not be construed as bragging. You've been warned.

Ok, so for those of you who weren't already aware: I married a stud. No, really--look at that guy! OH, and yeah, he can fly that multi-million dollar, very powerful hunk of government steel. All by himself. No big deal. The people in the tower even gave him two radio clicks on his first landing (that means it was excellent form)! So, I just want to put you at ease by letting you know that it is a perfectly normal feeling to be jealous that THIS GUY--yep, that one in the picture--comes home to me everyday. (If, however, you're a single female seeking a similarly studly pilot, I do know a few that are available--we can chat).

Sooo, before I make you all sick with my gushing pride, I'll shut up. But the pictures will be available shortly; a friend graciously took TONS of them on her super-duper paparazzi-worthy camera, so I'm pretty sure they'll be great. If you have a chance in the next few days and you're feeling nice, give Eric a call and congratulate him--this is a pretty big milestone in the career of his dreams. He's waaay excited (he can't stop smiling) and I'm sure he'd love to hear from all of his friends and family who've cheered him on thus far!

Okay, sorry, oooone more time: I'M SO PROUD OF HIM! <3