Thursday, December 10, 2009

Disclaimer: This post contains excessively excited statements that may or may not be construed as bragging. You've been warned.

Ok, so for those of you who weren't already aware: I married a stud. No, really--look at that guy! OH, and yeah, he can fly that multi-million dollar, very powerful hunk of government steel. All by himself. No big deal. The people in the tower even gave him two radio clicks on his first landing (that means it was excellent form)! So, I just want to put you at ease by letting you know that it is a perfectly normal feeling to be jealous that THIS GUY--yep, that one in the picture--comes home to me everyday. (If, however, you're a single female seeking a similarly studly pilot, I do know a few that are available--we can chat).

Sooo, before I make you all sick with my gushing pride, I'll shut up. But the pictures will be available shortly; a friend graciously took TONS of them on her super-duper paparazzi-worthy camera, so I'm pretty sure they'll be great. If you have a chance in the next few days and you're feeling nice, give Eric a call and congratulate him--this is a pretty big milestone in the career of his dreams. He's waaay excited (he can't stop smiling) and I'm sure he'd love to hear from all of his friends and family who've cheered him on thus far!

Okay, sorry, oooone more time: I'M SO PROUD OF HIM! <3

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