Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mother Nature: 1; Us: 0

If you're looking for adventure and some quality time with Murphy (made famous by "Murphy's Law"), I highly recommend driving from Del Rio, TX to the Great White North on or around Christmas. Murphy was a great tour guide, suggesting we drop the travel trailer a mere 3 hours after beginning our journey. Why, you ask? Well, unbeknownst to us, he invited Mother Nature on our road trip. She met up with us in Oklahoma City, and talk about a real Scrooge!

Mother Nature must have something against Santa Claus, family, or Christmas in general, because she used a massive amount of snow to jack-knife trailers, turn a freeway into a parking lot, and strand us at a Motel 6, making for a cozy little Christmas Eve. We had dinner from Waffle House (served to us by Santa's not-so-jolly, not-so-little, not-so-helpful helper), and a romantic late night walk to Love's truck stop a few hundred yards away for a cup of hot chocolate. It was memorable, to say the least. The next morning, Murphy went for a walk himself, and- lo and behold!- one, and only one freeway opened up in the entire state of Oklahoma, and it was the one we needed! Mother Nature made fast friends with Oklahoma, and decided to stay for Christmas, making our load considerably lighter with no trailer and no trouble the rest of the way. Christmas dinner was a beautiful spread of Wendy's frosties, burgers, and chicken nuggets over the course of a 16 hour, 3 state trek.

We finally made it around 3:30am EST, with plenty of stories--but no presents. (we had to leave them behind with the trailer!) The rest of the week was great--we enjoyed a lot of family time, three family Christmases, and took advantage of some after Christmas shopping :).   The trip back to home sweet Del Rio seemed much longer, though much less eventful.

Eric started back to the grind today, refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the last 12 weeks of Phase 2. We can't believe how fast this is going!! On April 1, we'll find out whether Eric will be training on the T-38, T-1, T-44, or helicopters. As he learns more about the missions and lifestyles of the planes in each track, we're getting more and more excited for all the different places and possibilities ahead. Regardless of what track or plane, we're pretty sure an overseas assignment is our first choice for the next location--but that's a long way off.

I have an interview tomorrow with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for a position that fits me sooo well! So in faith I am telling you that my next post will be about my amazing interview and my new job as the Assistant Director of Academic Support. I'm so very excited for this opportunity--and to get away from substitute teaching!

Until next time... :)

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