Saturday, July 24, 2010


7 WEEKS till we know whether we will stay or go!

Waaaait...did she just say "STAY"?!! Yep, lately, Eric's most consistent answer to the "what's your favorite assignment" question is staying at Laughlin for a 4 year assignment as an instructor pilot for the T-1. This also happens to be the assignment that no one wants--shocking, really. Who wouldn't want to be in Del Rio for as long as possible? Sarcasm. In all honesty though, we have truly learned that attitude is everything no matter where you go, but it is especially important in a place like this. With open minds, we have found plenty of reasons to enjoy being on the border--not the least of which are the delicious taco stands! :) My working full-time in town and our involvement in our church have really allowed us to connect to the community outside of the Air Force bubble. The other day, before leaving for their next assignment, some of our good friends told us that no matter where the military takes you, or how those moves force you to adapt, your experience is determined by your attitude. They couldn't be more right, and what a perfect place to learn that lesson and learn it early. So, while we would both like to see more of the country (or world!), if God wants us in Del Rio to train new pilots for a while, we will embrace it. (And we certainly can't deny the fact that Eric would make a fabulous instructor...)

Over the past month, we've spent a romantic weekend in Fredericksburg, TX tasting wines, window shopping, and enjoying each others' undivided attention.

We've seen good friends realize their dreams, said good-bye to others, and made new ones. And we've made some necessary changes. For one, I have left my job for a new, part-time position at a fun boutique in town. It was a tough decision, as I loved my team and the students I worked with, but it is for the best. I'm looking forward to having more time to support Eric in the ways I was able when I wasn't working. While I felt fulfilled and purposeful working full-time, I realized just how much I value my role at home and I can't wait to have a little more of that back.

Looking ahead, my little sis is coming to visit this week! We are SO excited to have her--there's nothing like having family around, even for a short time. We plan to show her the planes Eric flies, hang out at the pool, and go to the Drop Night on Friday so she can see what we will get to experience in just 7 short weeks.

And, as promised, here's a few pictures of the amazing Ranch we visited last month:

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