Thursday, October 1, 2009

Planes, Trains, and (dead) automobiles

Yes, you read that title right. The precious Honda, like most 18 year-olds, has decided that it will rebel and start only when it feels like starting in a "you're not the boss of me"-like fashion. Eric is determined to find the cause and spent several hours under the hood the other night--in a thunderstorm. Ahh, the things you'll do for your only vehicle. He's gotten it to start a few times, but it's unreliable and we're not really comfortable with me driving all the way to Walmart (read: the Mecca of Del Rio) only to be stranded in the parking lot with the sometimes questionable individuals who are making their weekly trip for overcrowded superstore bliss from Chihuahua or Cohuila. Sooo, he has decided to catch rides with classmates and put off the problem-solving until the weekend so that it doesn't get in the way of studying. (which, by the way, did you know I married a genius? yea...he's been showing those tests who's boss. :)  ) He has a test tomorrow on some tougher material--aerodynamics--so I'll be making him some dinner and heading out with girlfriends for a little while tonight to give him plenty of uninterrupted study time. Not only am I suuuuper proud of how well Eric is doing, but the celebrating as a result of his awesome test scores is also pretty fun :) . Last Friday I came home from having coffee with a friend to find notes all over the house telling me to get cleaned up because we were going out. He took me to a nice wine place called Casa de Vino and then to dinner downtown at The Herald. The next night we ordered pizza, got in our pjs early, and borrowed some movies from a friend. Not sure which date was better, haha.

As far as the jobs go, I signed up to be a substitute teacher for the San Felipe-Del Rio school district. Hopefully I will start that soon, and maybe that will lead to other opportunities. We are praying that a great opportunity comes soon--we'd like to get a second car as soon as it is possible/reasonable. Especially since I'll probably need it to get to whatever job I find!

I've also decided to not read people's status messages on Facebook lately, since EVERYONE in Michigan is talking about fall colors and cool air and apple cider...the only thing fall-like in Del Rio is that it's October. It's still hot, it's still crazy sunny, and did I mention it's hot? We've had a couple pretty good storms, but other than that the weather is still what we yankees would call summer. I actually bought an "apple orchard" candle, so at least our house smells like a Michigan fall :) I have to say though, I'm not too disappointed about missing out on the snow--I'll still be wearing flip flops in December!

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