Sunday, October 25, 2009

Time flies-- and so does Eric!

Phase 2 has officially begun! If the weather cooperates, Eric will be making his inaugural flight in the T-6 tomorrow!! YAY! Don't worry, there will be oh-so-many pictures and videos posted asap.

We've been very busy over the last 10 days--I can't even believe it's already been that long since the last time I wrote! Since then I've been in a first grade classroom substituting for an extremely disorganized teacher. And it's more than accurate to say that disorganization and I do not get along even a little bit. I thought special ed was hard, but turns out I'd do that any day over a rambunctious group of 1st graders. I think I did a pretty good job though, because the teacher in the classroom next door was impressed that I was able to get what she called "the feistiest group in the school" to somewhat behave (emphasis on the "somewhat") and asked if I would sub for her this week! Since then, I've also picked up a two-day job in the high school in a couple of weeks and I'm really excited to see how I like the older kids. Regardless, I'm very grateful the opportunity to work with kids, use my degree, and most of all keep busy.

A few friends... we're silly....

 ....but so are they!
Eric and I also got a surprise in the mail the other day--a Macy's reward card from our wedding registry! I told him it was a sign; my girlfriends were going shopping in San Antonio the following Saturday and it was clearly imperative that I joined them. :) So Eric and the guys spent the day on the boat out on Lake Amistad while we spent a day in something the civilized world calls a "mall". It was so nice to indulge in a little retail therapy, and even better to have a girls day out! We're so thankful for the great friends we've made here so far.

Memo's Mexican Restaurant for lunch!

My bestest friend :)

This past week my mom and grandma came to visit for a couple days and got to meet our friends, tour the base, and get a taste of our life here. They LOVED it--I think! :) We had SO much fun going to all of the cute shops and restaurants in town, and it was more than amazing to spend quality time with them, if even for just a few days.  Turns out there's plenty to do in Del Rio, and we encourage you ALL to come check it out :).

Yesterday we also had the opportunity to go to MWS day (Major Weapons Systems--another name for the planes). (The very small person in front of the C-17 shown above is Eric. It's a HUGE plane!) The purpose of this day is to better educate all of the UPT students on the different airframes they could possibly fly. Since they make a "dream sheet" of which planes they'd like to possibly spend their career in, it's good for them to really know what the mission and lifestyle of each aircraft is. So picture a couple hundred young guys in green, fire-retardant pajamas climbing and drooling all over giant, expensive, potentially dangerous "toys" like a bunch of preschoolers in a play yard, and you've got MWS day!

A C-130(left) and C-17(right)

Eric standing on an F-15E

Me in the cockpit of the C-17. Psh, I could totally fly this thing!

....As long as Eric would be my co-pilot!

An F-15E
I've asked Eric to stick his own version of an update in here pretty soon-so keep your eyes peeled! Hopefully he'll find some time this week for a little study break.

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