Monday, November 30, 2009

Deck Them Halls, y'all

 Thanksgiving with the fam was awesome. It was so good to get out of Del Rio and being close to family for the holidays is such a blessing, especially considering it's our--well, my--first year so far away from home. My grandma is an incredible cook (I'm pretty sure it's a prerequisite to being a grandma, 'cause Eric's grandma is awesome at it, too), so naturally we ate ourselves into food coma and are still recovering.

Ever seen someone hang their Christmas lights and then mow their lawn? Considering that most of you reading this are from Michigan, it's probably safe to assume that this sounds as weird to you as it looks to us. But alas, such is the life of a Texan at Christmas time....we're adjusting. On the other hand, my arctic-worthy, wool-lined boots have a nice home in the closet that they will not have to leave at all this season...that's not so hard to adjust to!

  Oh Honda car, oh Honda car, please don't drop our Christmas tree...
We impulse-bought our Christmas tree this weekend...not such a great choice when you drive a tiny little car and therefore have no way to get it home! Such a knee-jerk decision resulted in Eric crawling through the window to get in the car because the automatic seatbelts were trying to cut the ties that wrapped around the roof of the car. We also had to drive all the bumpy backroads, because we weren't exactly sure if our jimmy-rigging job was entirely legal. At least we get creativity points?! Well, if not for that, then certainly we'd get them for tying fishing line around the trunk of the tree and to the curtain holders so the tree would stand fell down in the middle of the night and made a nice little mess for me to clean up this morning.

But at least it's beautiful!

Eric made me a wreath out of the limbs we had to trim off of the tree. Pretty good job, I think!

In other news, we're hoping Eric will have his solo flight this week...but the weather here is a little questionable. I'll be out of town this weekend, so pray that he has it before Thursday or not until Monday so I don't have to miss it!! (Either way, there will be TONS of great pictures).

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