Monday, March 15, 2010

God is SO good!

This JUST in! (no seriously, I JUST got the phone call like, 2 seconds ago.)


I am a facilitator on Baptist Child and Family Services' Abstinence Education team. For those of you who know about TeenHEART--it's a similar program, but formally faith based and with a much larger organization. I am SOOOO excited! We've stayed faithful that all of these dead-end interviews over the last 8 months would lead me to something fitting for me, and this position--this organization--could not suit me better. I'm going to finalize everything this afternoon and then start a week from today! Thank you for all of your prayers-- they have most certainly been answered! I am soooo blessed to be starting my career in such an incredible organization with great people and a great mission. Can't wait!


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