Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Laundry List I Like

As we continue to find our groove in the new place, I am often overwhelmed with gratitude for the grace and blessings showered on us thus far. When I'm having a "meh" day, these are the things I think of:

The Voyage: After an overly-eventful move to Del Rio from Michigan, and a wild trip home for Christmas last year, I still look back on our trip from Del Rio to New Jersey and marvel at how wonderfully boring it was! This was phenomenal because, on top of traveling much further, we graduated from a 10' truck for our first move to a 26' truck for this one, and we towed our new car on the back. While it was a bit more expensive than we had hoped, we, and our stuff, made it entirely unscathed. And those who've moved several times know that "miraculous" is the only word to describe the fact that none of our household goods broke en route!

The Move-In: The dream house I scouted out while we were still in Del Rio disappeared off the market when we got here. (It was a long shot to begin with; they were selling, we wanted to rent.) We had high hopes for base housing; they were quickly deflated. With just 5 days to move in somewhere before Eric had to go to training, the dream house fell into our lap. And they were wanting to rent! Not only that, but Eric was also able to move his training dates back a few days to help me move in. Our house is wonderful, the landlords are amazing, and the neighborhood is ideal.

THE PEOPLE!: I can't say enough about the amazing people we've met here thus far. I didn't realize how "homey" Del Rio felt until I was here--in a new house, in a new place, over a holiday--alone. Between the awesome couples in our squadron and the amazing people we've gotten to know at church, we continue to meet incredible people. Having learned in Del Rio that the people, not the place, make the experience, we are so excited about our new friendships here. This is sure to be a memorable 4 years.

The Church: We look forward to church every Sunday; the messages are relevant, the music is wonderful, and the people are genuine. To us, the best church is one where you feel that the people you meet on Sunday are the same people Monday-Saturday. The best church is one where you feel welcome and inspired. And the best church can be hard to find, especially when you're new to the area. We planned on visiting several churches for several weeks each to get a feel for each one. Our plan was clearly not God's plan. We felt at home from the moment we walked in the front door of the first church on the list. We knew this place was for us. Thank God for His leading, because the people we met there that first week were so wonderful to me while Eric was gone in the following weeks. There's just nothing like a church family.

Our Families: I could bore you for hours with how thankful I am for my family. I'm biased, but I think they're some of the coolest, smartest, most fun people on the planet. I grew up with very supportive parents and unique, fun siblings to hang out with and learn from. I'm also thankful for Eric's family. As a newlywed, the nightmare-ish in-law stories are endless. Thank God I don't have one of those stories to tell! I love them as my own family; they're genuine, fun, so comfortable to be around, and respectful of our relationship (something so many people don't have in their in-laws). And they all live in the same city! We are so blessed to have such a strong foundation of support.

And, on a personal note,
My Husband: Some days I get restless when I'm home. Alone. All day. Without a car. (We only have one.) But then I remind myself how lucky I am that we can afford for me not work. I also remember that it will be such a blessing to our marriage to have flexible hours when he is constantly coming and going. Sure, it's not always comfortable, but we do it, and the lessons we're learning about teamwork and financial management are invaluable. For me, working just for a paycheck is not worth it (unless we truly need the money, but then I'm not just working for a paycheck; I'm working to help support our family, which is always worthwhile). I want to work for fulfillment. I want to work to make a difference. I'm so blessed to have a husband that puts in long hours almost every day, fulfilling his dreams, defending our country, supporting us, and affording me the opportunity to seek work that inspires me. Furthermore, I'm so blessed that he understands and supports me in every way, including my choice to seek only those opportunities that mean something to me or others, paid or not. He shares my feeling that while money is necessary for living comfortably, it does nothing for the soul. And in these times of greed and gluttony, that's a rare point of view. I'm so thankful we're on the same page.

What are you thankful for? As cliche as it is, sometimes getting out of a funk is as easy as counting your blessings. I know this new year will bring lots of excitement, and with several missions and a first deployment on the horizon, some sizable trials. If 2010 taught me anything, it was that the mountain is never as tall as you think it is, and even "faith as small as a mustard seed" can make the climb easier and more often than not, enjoyable. For 2011, a mustard seed isn't enough for me; I'm planting a garden.

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