Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hot Off the Press: A Month Full of Updates

Well, another month has flown by-- but not without leaving it's mark.

The Good:
We attended the Art of Marriage Conference at our church last weekend. What an awesome ministry! The teaching was so relevant and challenging to us and it provided another opportunity to get involved by serving in the church. I spent the week leading up to the conference helping plan and organize the event; oh how fulfilling it was to use my talents and skills for such a worthy purpose.

The (not so) Bad:
Weather here is breaking news. No seriously. For almost an entire week, the news would begin with "(insert tragic event that happened in Philadelphia today, for which we have very few details)....but first, the breaking news is, once again, the AccuWeather Forecast." It is a common misconception that New Jersey gets snowfall in quantities similar to our home state of Michigan. Oh no, my friends. The temperatures here barely dip below freezing, and when they do you'd think NJers are afraid of immediate onset frostbite. It has snowed 5 times (maybe?!), but each 5-10'' snowfall was treated like a snowpocalypse of epic proportions. The fear is so strong that the entire base shut down and Eric did not have to go to work on two or three occasions. Granted, because they rarely get snow, they do not have the equipment (or plowing expertise!) to handle it. But still. It's pretty comical to these self-proclaimed Lake Effect Snow Warriors. After the first snowfall we thoroughly shoveled and liberally salted our driveway, expecting (like any snow-savvy midwesterner would) a regular dusting at the very least. We were amazed to see we were the only ones taking such precautions; no one else in the neighborhood bothered. The next day we figured out why: it. all. melted. And did not come back for another month. We probably looked like overzealous fools!

The Ugly:
Appendicitis paid me a visit; what an unexpected treat! As a result, I spent a lot of quality time with my cozy couch. Thank the Lord for the creators of Kindle and Netflix. I'm finally reaching the point where I can once again cook dinner and clean my house and carry a basket of laundry-- all in one day! Seriously though, they told me it wouldn't be a very long recovery. Turns out that my definition and the doctors' definition of "long" are different. I want my house back in order and I think the "milk it for all it's worth" period is long over where my handsome caretaker is concerned. Oh well, he was a great nurse while it lasted!

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